Hi my name is Poo and, like all of my kind, I have a particular love of Honey. Whenever I visit the Norfolk Branch, I always get the boys to provide me with a new jar of the very best Honey I know, that is, Burgh Pava Hall Honey. The bee keeper, Judy, is a good friend of the Norfolk Branch minders, and her honey is just wonderful.
On our main blog
www.bearsunlimited.org we told our readers, that as our new year's resolution, we would write a monthly post on this biographies blog, until we have a complete biography for each and every member of Bears Unlimited, so here is my story.

The tale of how I became a member of Bears Unlimited is a sad tale, but one with a very happy ending. I was brought up in a normal home with a minder of whom I was fond. One day we went for a walk along the Grand Union Canal in Northamptonshire. As we were walking along, I smelt some honey and went off to investigate. Up in a tree I saw a bees' nest and decided to climb up and get some honey. While I was occupied, I didn't realise that the others had gone on with out me! I was devastated, but thought if I wait long enough, they will come back and get me. I waited and waited and waited, night came and they still had not come back. The next day I had a good think, and thought, well I could go looking for them or I could stay put, because they were bound to come back for me. After all, I had a good supply of honey and plenty of water, so I wasn't going to starve, and from my vantage point in the tree, I had a good view of the towpath and the canal. I could watch all the boats coming and going, as well as the walkers along the towpath. But, as the days and nights passed, and my minder had still not come back to get me, I realised that I was lost for good, and would have to make my own way in the world. To make matters worse, the honey was beginning to run out. I was just about at rock bottom.
Just then, my prayers were answered, when I saw a wonderful sight. It was a yellow and maroon narrowboat called Eric. At its stern flew a green flag with a brown bear on it, and at the tiller was a very happy looking bear, who I later discovered was called Eddie. I then noticed that, sitting in a life ring on top of the boat's roof, were a whole host of other bears. Was I dreaming, or had I died and gone to bear heaven? I shut my eyes very tightly and opened them again, and sure enough they were still there. And so at the top of my voice I shouted

The boat carried on, they hadn't heard me so I shouted
HELP! again and again.I was shouting so hard that I nearly fell out of the tree. Eventually my cries were heard, and with great skill Eddie manoeuvred ERIC under my tree. He then ran down the boat and gave me a paw down to the boat roof.

All the other bears crowded around me and took me into the cabin where they gave me a huge meal, including lots of honey, and I told them my sad tale. They then told me all about Bears Unlimited and the adventures they get up to. They told me that I'd be very welcome to join them and, bearing in mind the place where I was found, suggested that the Midlands Branch might be the best one for me to join. And that's just what I did.
Its amazing to think that this all took place nearly four years ago now, as it feels like I've been member of the Midlands Branch for ever. Over this time I have had many adventures with all the others at Bears Unlimited, some of which have been told on the main blog. At present I am learning how to be a bee keeper and produce my own Honey, initaly to supply all at BU with honey and if all goes well to produce enough to market Poo's Finest Bears Unlimited Honey.
I hope you liked my story.
Love Poo xxxx